Market Reports

Generative Design Workflow Assessments

These market research papers provide assessments of the Generative Design workflow in various software solutions. Theses assessments are based on the capability assessment model related to the Key Capability Areas of Generative Design for General Applicability and their associated criteria outlined in the intrinSIM Market Report entitled “A Vision for Generative Design” which explores the potential paradigm shift enabled by Generative Design and what is required to enable that design paradigm shift. intrinSIM has developed a process with quantified assessment for each key capability area in the capability assessment model and criteria outlined in “A Vision for Generative Design”. The same capability assessment model can be used for determining requirements for specific Generative Design applications, and the suitability of Generative Design workflows for specific applications.

intrinSIM has a collaborative working relationship with the ASSESS Initiative and shared research on this topic with the ASSESS Initiative. The ASSESS Initiative has published a Strategic Insight Paper entitled “Understanding a Generative Design Enabled Design Process Paradigm Shift”. The ASSESS Initiative paper was written by Joe Walsh and Keith Meintjes and reviewed by consultants, academic researchers, and software vendors.

These intrinSIM Market Research Reports are available at no charge

Autodesk Fusion 360 Generative Design


A Vision for Generative Design (2019)

“A Vision for Generative Design” is a software independent intrinSIM Market Research Paper that explores the potential paradigm shift enabled by Generative Design and what is required to enable that design paradigm shift. This market research paper looks at the key capability areas required to support a paradigm shift and proposes a capability assessment model with detailed assessment criteria for each of the key capability areas. The capability assessment model can be used for determining; capabilities of specific Generative Design workflows, requirements for specific applications, suitability of specific Generative Design workflows for specific applications. intrinSIM has also developed a quantitative model of the Generative De4sign Capability Assessment Model outlined in this paper.

intrinSIM has a collaborative working relationship with the ASSESS Initiative and shared research on this topic with the ASSESS Initiative. The ASSESS Initiative has published a Strategic Insight Paper entitled “Understanding a Generative Design Enabled Design Process Paradigm Shift Generative Design”. The ASSESS Initiative paper was written by Joe Walsh and Keith Meintjes and reviewed by consultants, academic researchers, and software vendors. Many concepts related to Generative Design are shared between this paper and the ASSESS Initiative Strategic Insight Paper.

The ASSESS Initiative has provided a broadly accepted and comprehensive definition of Generative Design:

“Generative design is the use of algorithmic methods to generate feasible designs or outcomes from a set of performance objectives, performance constraints, and design space for specified use cases.”

As Generative Design matures, its ability to deal with factors across a broader range of influences and combinations of influences will increase.

“Performance objectives and constraints may include factors from multiple areas including operational performance, weight/mass, manufacturing, assembly or construction, usability, aesthetics, ergonomics, and cost. It is recommended that the specification of the use cases should incorporate uncertainties related to all inputs used to specify the intended use.”

This intrinSIM Market Research Paper is available at no charge

A Vision for Generative Design

The Changing Role of Simulation and The Simulation Revolution

Engineering Simulation has grown into significant importance in the engineering design process over the last four decades with technology drivers enabling its broader and improved application. This growth in importance has been accompanied by a growth in awareness of the benefits and key business drivers, which then also brings a new set of opportunities and challenges related to increased demand. The Engineering Simulation market is struggling to meet this surge in demand, and a Simulation Revolution is needed to overcome the shortage of expertise, which prevents broader application.

This thought leadership review from intrinSIM & Cambashi reviews the Changing Role of Simulation and the status of the Simulation Revolution

The Changing Role of Simulation and The Simulation Revolution

Design Space Exploration Markets & Opportunities (2018)

A report for engineering and discrete manufacturing organizations, engineering modeling and simulation software developers, engineering service providers, methods development experts, systems integrators, resellers, investors and anyone else who needs to understand technology drivers, business drivers, investment justification strategies and implementation best practices for Design Space Exploration technologies and methods; software market size and composition, vendor market share and industry growth forecasts; and in-depth business assessments plus product profiles for 38 leading technology providers.



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